Volume List  / Volume 7 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2017.7(2).04

7 / 2 / 192-202 Pages


Matúš Šucha - Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Palacky University, Krizkovskeho 10, 771 80, Olomouc, Czech Republic -


This article presents the How-to-influence-behaviour model, the purpose of which is to describe situation-specific factors that influence the behaviour of road users, drivers in particular. Behaviour is considered to be the result of the action of human-specific and situation-specific factors; it cannot be influenced directly, but through interventions at the level of the given factors. The model focuses on to what extent situation-specific factors are influenced by interventions at the societal level. Indeed, it is society rather than a human being as an individual entity that is responsible for the implementation and effectiveness of such interventions. Relationships with other relevant approaches, such as the 3 E’s (Enforcement, Engineering, and Education) and hierarchic models of human behaviour in traffic (e.g. the Gadget model) are pointed out. The application of the model is illustrated through the issue of the choice of a safe driving speed. The levels of the process of a driver’s choice of speed (the levels of knowledge, experience, values, and attitudes and the metalevel) and the areas of the interventions according to the model (traffic rules and law enforcement, vehicle design, traffic infrastructure, and culture and norms) are defined. Available evidence concerning interventions and their effects on traffic safety (effectiveness) leads to the conclusion that the domains of traffic rules and law enforcement are represented to a significant extent, especially at Levels 1 and 2 of drivers’ decision making (knowledge and experience). On the other hand, very little information is available about interventions aimed at Levels 3 and 4 of drivers’ decision making (values, attitudes, and the metalevel) and the domain of traffic culture.

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This research was funded by research grant of Ministry of Education of Czech republic, project IGA FF_2017_021 “Psychology research in the selected fields of pedagogical and clinical psychology.


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