Volume List  / Volume 6 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(3).09

6 / 3 / 339-355 Pages


Nikola Vukčević - Maritime Faculty Bar, Šetalište Kralja Nikole Potkovica D1, 85000 Bar, Montenegro -

Marijana Ljubić - Graduate School of Business Studies, Goce Delčeva 8, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia -


Electronic business in tourism industry plays an essential role in increasing the level of competitiveness in a global, highly competitive tourism market. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to analyze and determine the level of electronic business application in different organizational sectors, among selected ports of nautical tourism in Montenegro. The research is based on data gathered from 150 marina managers through a structured questionnaire. This study included five largest Montenegrin marinas, where three of them are state-owned, while other two are privately owned. This implies a different ownership arrangement, management system and business organization. Analysis results of these different business systems, which perform the same activity, can create a clearer idea of the business organization, investment and achieving economic effects of modern business and the influence that they have on the further development of the yachting industry. The survey was conducted from January to April 2016. The findings suggest that the level of e-business application within Montenegrin marinas is far from desirable. Further analysis has revealed that the main reasons for low level of e-business adoption among ports of nautical tourism in Montenegro are the lack of clear e-business strategy, low level of ICT investments and knowledge among managers. However, the findings contain important recommendations for marina's managers and owners about the potential gains of accepting/using e-business for their businesses and their effects on business performance. Results presented in the study can also provide useful insights for government agencies such as Montenegrin Ministry of Transport and Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, for the formulation of their future strategies and legal frameworks regarding nautical tourism and shipping.

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