DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(2).05
6 / 2 / 168-187 Pages
Srinivas Peeta - Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, United States of America -
An operational consistency model for real-time dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) applications seeks to correct the time-dependent path assignment within a rolling horizon scheme. This study extends an existing consistency framework to develop a hierarchy for the time-dependent path set based upon their relative importance to ensuring consistency. Using the analytic hierarchy process, the eigenvalue associated with a path is identified as the parameter which enables the rank ordering of paths. The ability to identify a subset of dominant paths relative to enhancing consistency enhances the computational viability of the consistency framework for real-time implementation and has significant practical implications. Additionally, it provides insights on the complex dynamics that are inherent to the operational consistency problem.
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