Volume List  / Volume 5 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(3).03

5 / 3 / 252-263 Pages


Haddad Louiza - Laboratory of Natural Risks and Regional Planning, University of Batna, Algeria -

Aouachria Zéroual - Laboratory of Applied Physics Energetic, University of Batna, Algeria -

Haddad Djamel - Hygiene and Security Institute, University of Batna, Algeria -


Although transport has resulted in many beneficial effects on society, but their development in fact have negative impacts on the environment. The car policy caused many problems such as: - the spectacular growth of fuel consumption hence the very vast increase in urban pollution, traffic congestion in certain places and at certain times, the increase in the number of accidents. The exhaust emissions from cars and weather conditions are the main factors that determine the level of pollution in urban atmosphere. These conditions lead to the phenomenon of heat transfer and radiation occurring between the air and the soil surface. These exchanges give rise, in urban areas, to the effects of heat islands that correspond to the appearance of excess air temperature between the city and its surrounding space. We perform a numerical simulation of the plume generated by the exhaust gases of cars and show that these gases form a screening effect above the urban cite which cause the heat island in the presence of wind flow. The study allows us: i- to understand the different mechanisms of interactions between these phenomenons, ii- to consider appropriate technical solutions to mitigate the effects of the heat island.

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