Volume List  / Volume 4 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(3).08

4 / 3 / 352-362 Pages


Rajeev Kumar Mishra - Department of Environmental Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi-110 042, India -

Ankita Shukla - J.K. Infrastructure Limited, DMRC Project, Delhi, India -

Manoranjan Parida - Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India -

Santosh Rangnekar - Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India -


Delhi has a population of 16.75 million and is increasing at a rapid rate. This increase in population has enhanced the need for public transport. In Delhi, this need for public transport is served mainly by buses, auto rickshaws, a rapid transit system, taxis and suburban railways. Delhi has one of the highest road densities in India. Buses are the most popular means of transport catering to about 60% of the total demand. In order to meet the transport demand in Delhi, the State and the Union government started the construction of a mass rapid transit system, including the Delhi Metro. By the application of various data and public response, the paper accentuates the qualitative discussion on impacts of mass rapid transit system (MRTS) corridor on land use and social aspects of lives of residents and road users. It also proposes certain mitigating measures for that meticulous condition. The analysis and survey outcome explain about the exceeded level of noise level as compared to CPCB standards. The share of public transport in total noise pollution is smaller than private but still exceeds the standards. Such problem demands the design of noise barrier along the corridor to curb the noise pollution.

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The authors are thankful for the assistance of Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS) and Department of Management Studies (DOMS), IIT Roorkee.


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