DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2013.3(2).09
3 / 2 / 220-229 Pages
Musilimu Adeyinka Adetunji - Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Federal University Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria -
This paper assessed the gender travel behavior in IIesa, Nigeria. A total of 1,450 copies of a questionnaire were administered to the sampled population in Ilesa, out which 620 men and 580 women completed the questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for data presentation. The findings revealed that the mean distance traveled to work for men and woman differs in the city. Further analysis revealed that more than 70% of the women depend on public transport for their day-to-day transactions. Also, 65% of the men depend on their own personal means of transport to commute to different activity centres in the study area. This implies that men tend to monopolize the personal means of transport available for the entire family. There is a significant relationship between gender travel behavior and trips frequency in the city. The study therefore concluded that there is need to consider gender variation in travel demands particularly with respect to the design and implementation of urban transport policy so as to improve the accessibility characteristics of women to transport services in Ilesa, Nigeria and in other developing countries of the world as a whole.
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