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2 / 1 / 1-10 Pages


Nataša Tomić-Petrović - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -


Research into the effects of different effects of radiation on human health has only recently been brought to light while the events in Hiroshima and Nagasaki have revived the interest in the research into the effects of ionizing radiation on organisms. The man has to live with radiation regardless of the risk. Protection efficiency is related with proper understanding of dangers coming from radiation and radiological contamination and protection methods. Knowledge in radiation protection is an important tool in the battle for survival on our planet. Our public today still seems insufficiently informed when it comes to hazards brought about by natural sources of radiation. Based on the published results it seems that the cosmic radiation hazard to passengers in contemporary air transport is nonexistent. Nevertheless, for some air crew categories (frequent intercontinental flights) it is possible that annual absorbed doses are quite close to the doses absorbed by workers handling radiation sources, even the possibility of exceeding the prescribed levels is not inconceivable.

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This paper is the result of working on the project of the Ministry for Science and Technological Development “Human Rights and Values in Biomedicine” (No. 179023).


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