2 / 1 / 11-21 Pages
Chen Chao - Transportation Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China -
Being aimed at the influence of ship-size and cargo-demand changes on container shipping networks, to reveal the evolution process of container shipping networks structure form, this paper respectively designed the operation models for two major container shipping networks structure forms: Multi-port-calling network and Hub-and-spoke network, to maximizing the investment efficiency. Based on the above models, a comprehensively integrated operation model of container shipping networks is built and the evolution process of container shipping networks structure form with changing of both ship-size and cargo demands is analyzed. Finally, through a case study, results show that the comprehensive integrated operation model is very effective in the analysis of evolution process of container shipping networks structure forms.
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comprehensive integrated operation model (CIO model);
container shipping networks structure form;
investment efficiency;
Multi-Port-Calling network;
Hub-and-Spoke network;
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