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Andrew Adesola Obafemi - University of Port Harcourt, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, P. O. Box 91, Port Harcourt, Nigeria -
This study assessed the road network system of Trans-Amadi industrial layout using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Topographical map of scale 1:100000 and Google Earth, 2010 version were the sources for the acquisition of the data. A reconnaissance survey of the area was also done to assess the present situation and state of the road network. Both the topographical map and the imagery were geo-rectified in ArcGIS 9.2 and geographic data on roads and road junction were captured. Road junctions were digitized as points which are otherwise referred to as nodes while the roads as lines which are also called Arcs. Simple descriptive analysis was used to describe the road condition, pavements and types of the road network in the study. The connectivity level in the road network was determined with the use of Beta Index (BI). The road density was determined with respect to the road length per unit area. The road density was high (8.07 km-1) while the connectivity level of road network was also high (0.77). In terms of road condition, the analysis revealed that road length of 26.66 km (97.19 %) was tarred and in good condition out of 27.43 km of total road length in the study. In terms of road types, the analysis showed that the total length of dualized road type was 6.14 km (22.38 %) while 21.29 km (77.62 %) were not dualized.
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road network;
road density;
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