DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2023.13(1).02
13 / 1 / 17-27 Pages
Branislava Ratković - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Serbia, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -
The number and locations of facilities represent the most important decisions when modeling service networks. The facility location problem in the context of service networks is predetermined by the investment costs and/or achieving a certain standard of satisfying users’ demand. Systems designed in this way are based on the idea that they will function in regular exploitation conditions, without any interference. However, various adverse events caused by intent, unintentional human activities, technological disasters or natural disasters can lead to a partial or complete cessation of the service networks. For the first time, this paper highlights the importance of the impact assessment of disruption events on the service networks where the r-interdiction median location model is presented as a potential solution approach in a case when these events occur. Also, an extensive overview of the state-of-the-art literature is provided. Finally, a numerical example of the determination of the most vulnerable points of service networks is given to illustrate the effects of potential disruptions, as well as appropriate preventive actions that eliminate or at least mitigate those situations.
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