DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2023.13(1).08
13 / 1 / 96-108 Pages
Mirjana D. Stojanović - University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia -
Telekom Srbija is the first operator in the Western Balkan region with its own Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. The ecosystem is characterized by the following features: multitenant IoT platform; Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) connectivity; technology proven through industry use cases with a large number of sensor devices and the associated application software; platform and application programming interfaces (APIs) for fast implementation and integration of new commercial use cases, and large capacity for fast network deployment. On that way, business partners are provided with a powerful environment for implementation of different use cases. The first use case based on this ecosystem referred to preventing theft of the company's underground telecommunication infrastructure. This article represented the state-of-the-art, the IoT ecosystem of Telekom Srbija, and the use case regarding protection of the underground cable infrastructure.
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