Volume List  / Volume 13 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2023.13(1).09

13 / 1 / 109-124 Pages


Suzana Miladić-Tešić - University of East Sarajevo - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina -

Milan Tešić - Road Traffic Safety Agency, Serbia -

Katerina Folla - National Technical University of Athens - Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, Greece -


Road safety key performance indicators (KPI) are the indicators reflecting those operational conditions of the road traffic system that are influencing the system’s safety performance. The automated process of KPIs data collection, accompanied by advanced smart solutions in urban areas, smart in-car solutions, etc. is expected in the near future. The European Commission developed a set of common methodological guidelines for the data collection and estimation of the KPIs in the European Union countries. Internet of Vehicles is an emerging technology approach that can be expected to become a promising solution to overcome serious traffic issues. The objective of this paper is to explore the process of road safety KPIs data collection and sharing using Internet of Vehicles networking. In that context, a star rating of driver's behavior could be done, and such data could be shared aiming to better improve drivers' safety behavior.

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