Volume List  / Volume 12 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2022.12(2).06

12 / 2 / 226-237 Pages


Chris Bic Byaruhanga - Department of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK -

Rodgers Bangi Mugume - Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), UK -

Brenda Nuwagaba - Uganda Road Fund, Kampala, Uganda -


Transport infrastructure investment is fundamental to social and economic development by connecting people to jobs and promoting labour mobility, education, health services and is key to reducing poverty. The impact of transport investment on the wider economic benefits associated with gross domestic product (GDP), employment and poverty is not clear, most especially for developing countries. To this effect, the relationships between paved roads investment and the wider economic benefits (WEBs) were modelled using linear regression analysis with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. There is no significant relationship between paved roads investment and GDP growth rate in Uganda. However, a strong relationship between paved roads investment with employment and poverty rates was established. To boost economic growth, the government should continue investing in the transport sector using appropriate and well-researched policies and strategies. In addition, the government should ensure favourable political environment and strengthen institutions and fiscal policies. Finally, the study recommends exploring the use of public private partnerships (PPPs) to finance road infrastructure in Uganda.

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The authors acknowledge with gratitude the support received from MoFPED, MoWT and UNRA regarding the data used in this study.


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