Volume List  / Volume 11 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2021.11(4).04

11 / 4 / 543 - 553 Pages


Mladen Marković - Department of Ecological Engineering for Soil and Water Resources Protection, University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade 11000, Serbia & Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”, Belgrade 11000, Serbia -

Sara Lukić - Department of Ecological Engineering for Soil and Water Resources Protection, University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade 11000, Serbia -

Aleksandar Baumgertel - Department of Ecological Engineering for Soil and Water Resources Protection, University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade 11000, Serbia -


Torrential floods are the one of the most frequent natural hazards in the Republic of Serbia, which cause severe damage to a road network, change a traffic regime and endanger a traffic safety. The occurrence, extent and duration of the torrential floods, can be predicted based on experience, statistics and modeling methods. By managing the risks of torrential floods, which include integrated short-term and long-term measures and defence strategies, it could be provided the state roads’ manager implements the protection of public roads and ensures the uninterrupted traffic flow in the torrent endangered places. A method of Flash Flood Potential Index (FFPI) was used to determine the terrain proneness to the torrential floods in the places related to the state road network. The method includes analysis of factors which define susceptibility to torrential floods in the certain area that are terrain slope, land use, soil type and vegetation density. Taking into account that physiographic parameters of a catchment have a large influence on time to peak and flood magnitude, we may assume that analysis of those parameters may be a valuable tool for the assessment of predisposition to torrent flood formation. The spatial analysis is performed using the remote sensing data on Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Bare Soil Index (BSI), CORINE and FAO Soil Database within GIS surrounding in order to analyse the relationship between torrential factors and spatial characteristics of the research area. The FFPI index is calculated using raster data, so that the research area is completely divided into cells, which are analyzed, reclassified and calculated using GIS technology. Based on the obtained FFPI values, the torrent endangered locations were classified into four classes, according to the susceptibility to torrential floods. The results show a total of 75 endangered locations, were classified as the medium endangerment class (68%), followed by low endangerment (16%), high endangerment (10.66%) and very high endangerment (5.33%) classes of road locations endangered by torrential floods. The spatial distribution of FFPI values provides a good starting point for flood risk management and the possibility for implementation of road prevention and protection measures.

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