Volume List  / Volume 11 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2021.11(2).09

11 / 2 / 294-309 Pages


Dalibor Ristić - School of Computing, Union University, Belgrade, Serbia -

Nenad Mladenović - Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates -

Raca Todosijević - Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France -

Dragan Urosević - School of Computing, Union University, Belgrade, Serbia & Mathematical Institute, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia -


The p-center problem has been the subject of interest in the operational research for a long time. It has been well-known since the middle of the previous century. During the last decade, an extension of the problem, known as the p-next center problem, has been defined in order to handle unexpected incidents that can disable the centers. There are only a few papers and algorithms that address the aforementioned problem and therefore we introduce a new algorithm for solving the p-next center problem based on the Variable Neighborhood Search Method. The proposed algorithm was tested on a set of test instances already known in the literature, and the results show that it returns an optimal or at least near-optimal solution to the problem in a reasonable amount of time. Compared to existing algorithms, it has been shown that the proposed algorithm finds the best known or better solutions.

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This work was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, through Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts [grant number OI 174010].


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