DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(2).08
10 / 2 / 229 - 235 Pages
Poojari Yugendar - Department of Civil Engineering, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad-500075, Telangana State, India -
Traffic behavior of a city or any area can represent using driving cycle. In India, driving cycles were developed to test Indian vehicle emission standards but not considering higher speed and acceleration of vehicles. The assumption was all vehicle activities to be similar and considered traffic as homogeneous. But in India, traffic was heterogeneous each vehicle activity is different. In this study, the driving cycle was developed for estimating vehicular emissions and fuel consumption. Driving cycle is developed using five parameters namely percentage of acceleration, deceleration, idle, cruise and average speed of vehicles. Micro-trips were used to develop a driving cycle and these micro-trips are extracted from real-world data. K-means clustering method was used to cluster the micro-trips. The micro-trips which are nearest to the cluster centre represented as representative micro trips. These representative micro-trips are used for the development of the driving cycle. The driving cycles were developed and compared route and mode wise. The developed driving cycle was compared with Delhi driving cycle. It was observed that acceleration, deceleration rates were high compared to Delhi driving cycle. This methodology can be useful for heterogeneous traffic condition. The developed driving cycles can be easily identified the driving characteristics and vehicle emissions when testing on chassis dynamometers.
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fuel consumption;
micro trips;
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