DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(1).04
10 / 1 / 41-47 Pages
Beatrix Ronay-Tobel - Department of Road Transport Control, Transport Authority of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Hungary -
In 2018, the National Dynamic Axle Weight Measurement System was introduced in Hungary. More than 100 control points were deployed countrywide. On this points the weight of road vehicles could be measured without stopping them, without harming the traffic. This paper aims to present the changes in road usage as a result of introducing the dynamic axle weight measurement system if any. The research hypothesis of this paper that the dynamic axle weight measurement system with the proper combination of highway code would not cause significant change on route choice and road usage patterns. Detailed statistical analysis of preliminary results was conducted separately for domestic and for foreign vehicles. Analysis of time series was done. Based on the results author could conclude that the introduction of the dynamic axle weight measurement system has not caused significant change, but also increased the effectiveness of control. Also, a preliminary economic investigation was elaborated.
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automatic weight enforcement;
road usage;
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