Volume List  / Volume 10 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(1).07

10 / 1 / 69-80 Pages


Shilpa Pulinkave Variyam - IPE Global, PMC, Smart City Thiruvananthapuram Limited, India -

Anu Plavara Alex - College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India -

Manju Vasudevan Saraswathy - College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India -

Shaheem Shahul Hameed - National Transportation Planning and Research Centre, Kerala, India -


Travel demand models are tools used to estimate the travel behaviour of a population. It is used to overcome the previous inefficiencies of the existing transport systems and to produce new transportation facility. This study aimed to develop trip assignment model for Thrissur, an Indian city to assess the benefits of proposing ring roads. Thrissur is struggling to incorporate the increased number of vehicles due to lack of adequate infrastructure and better traffic management programmes. The trip assignment model developed using CUBE 6.4.1 for Thrissur Corporation estimated the link volume counts in the road network and identified the congested roads. The predicted link volumes were compared with the actual volume for validation. This model was used for identifying the improvements required for the road network and two outer ring roads was proposed. The model predicts that the proposed outerring roads can reduce the congestion of Thrissur Corporation.

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