Volume List  / Volume 9 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(3).08

9 / 3 / 338-346 Pages


Marina Zanne - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Slovenia -

Bojan Beškovnik - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Slovenia -


European Union (EU) has a strong focus on developing intermodal transport as a solution to slow down the growth of unimodal road freight transport. Different strategies and approaches have been undertaken by the EU, where the modernization of railway infrastructure and service standardization step out. At the same time, also the national governments have a significant role in promoting and encouraging the use of intermodal transport. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of intermodal transport development in Slovenia. They assess different national measures and programmes that can be applied, in order to support the intermodal transport, and investigate the application of these measures. To conclude, they create a list of suggestions on future activities for promotion of intermodal transport in Slovenia, in order to support EU and primarily central European region’s expectations for the use of southern maritime European transport route and the two core network corridors.

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The research was carried out as part of bilateral project “The development of intermodal transport, intermodal nodes and hinterland network in the eastern Adriatic region” between Slovenia and Montenegro.


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