Volume List  / Volume 9 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(2).02

9 / 2 / 154 - 162 Pages


Marko Subotić - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, Doboj, Vojvode Mišića 52, 74000 Doboj, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina -

Dunja Radović - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, Doboj, Vojvode Mišića 52, 74000 Doboj, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina -


In this paper, the HDV (Heavy Duty Vehicles) impact on throughput on two-lane roads in functional dependence on longitudinal slope has been analysed. The HDV impact in traffic flow has been shown by passenger car equivalent – PCE and based on the extensive empirical research in local conditions of the free flow, the adverse effect of this class of vehicles has been quantified. Data collection and analysis have been done in Bosnia and Herzegovina on main roads sections in the Republic of Srpska where PCE and HDV values have been measured on nine cross sections. By determining the time gap intervals, using data synthesis and analysis, PCE values relevant for the bus impact on two-lane roads throughput in local conditions have been reached. Resulting PCE values for all measured sections and for all variations of the longitudinal slope have been compared with (HCM, 2010). Based on the results of the research, mathematical model for determination of PCE for the HDV in function of longitudinal slope on two-lane roads has been developed. Model development has been based on the determination of the time gap according to the Greenshield’s base model.

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