Volume List  / Volume 9 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(2).08

9 / 2 / 221 - 237 Pages


Farhat Azad - Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Division, CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi, India -

Pritikana Das - Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Division, CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi, India -

Sewa Ram - Department of Transportation Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India -


In the direction of fulfilling the needs of thickly populated NCT, highways are being used constantly by freight vehicles, in a very chaotic manner. It has been noticed that more than a lakh trucks enter Delhi daily to pass from one region to another. It creates congestion for common people residing in and around Delhi. Number of accidents in Delhi is more than thrice compared to Mumbai and at least two times more in comparison to Bengaluru’s road fatalities. Mostly, trucks entering Delhi are overloaded resulting in higher levels of emissions and threat to road safety. Due to lack in managing these freight vehicular movements the lives of people residing in NCT has affected socially, economically and health wise. The country loses Rs 60,000 crore a year due to congestion including fuel wastage. Detailed study on present initiatives taken by both Central and Delhi government, assessment of freight in Delhi-NCR has been analyzed so that proactive decisions by the concerned ministries and organizations can be taken by modifying the policies which will contribute for better lives of people. SWOT analysis, crash prediction modelling and estimation of accident severity index have been used for analysis and safety measures have been suggested.

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We are thankful to CSIR- Central Road Research Institute, Director CRRI and our colleagues and seniors who provided expertise that greatly assisted the research.


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