DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(4).01
8 / 4 / 399 - 411 Pages
Hatice Göçmen Demir - Faculty of Engineering, University of OHÜ, Niğde, Turkey -
Transportation problems make bicycle transportation attractive. The place and the importance of bicycle becoming more and more evident in terms of sustainable transportation. Sustainable transport includes transport modes such as public transport, pedestrian and bicycle transport with low social, economic and environmental damage. Although the level of bicycle use in Turkey is behind many world countries, recently some applications have been taking care of bicycle routes. Niğde is one of the small-scale cities of Turkey and Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (NOHÜ) campus can be seen as one of the most spacious places in Niğde. With Areas such as faculty buildings, large parking places, university dormitories, basketball courts constructed far from each other, a bicycle route attract attention which is not actively used. In this paper, in general effective parameters of bicycle facilities for ensuring bicycle use will be mentioned. Then, a bicycle route built at the central settlement of NOHÜ was examined and a solution was proposed to actively operate it as a useful transportation system. Taking the examination into account, suggestions are made to improve the cycling situation at NOHÜ. In doing so, a small-scale online survey study was conducted to reflect the cycling preferences of the proposed bicycle route in the campus. Surveys were attended by 100 persons that 68 of them are students. It was determined that 70% of the respondents did not have a bicycle. Surveys revealed that the purpose of cycling was primarily recreational. 87% of the respondents want to ride a bicycle together with bicycle arrangement. Surveys showed that 55% of the respondents preferred to use the intelligent bicycle sharing system that is free of charged and 20% preferred the bicycle rental system that is free of charged. The provision of bicycles and the arrangement of the bicycle facilities are important issue. It is important that the bicycle facility is regulated in the direction of the bicycle use. For the spread of bicycle use, making prospective projects and applications with faculty of engineering students are planned.
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