DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(4).03
8 / 4 / 426 - 445 Pages
Jelena Simićević - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 305 Vojvode Stepe, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -
Urban parking is typical for almost all types of populated and developed areas. Various solutions for urban parking problems have been offered since the motorization became more intensive thus increasingly making available street space an extremely valuable resource. Consequently, the introduction of off-street parking facilities became an adequate approach for city planners due to the possibilities for achieving some effective community goals in accordance with new transport (parking) demand management paradigm. Therefore, the park-and-ride terminal concept could be seen as a technological solution that aims to relocate the process of mass parking from the most valuable and economically most desirable urban parts to the peripheral areas, while at the same time offering carefully planned alternatives for passengers to save their time and money. This type of multimodal and intermodal transport has been presented by city authorities as a solution for some common parking issues in urban areas. It has also been politically promoted as sustainable over the last two decades. However, park-and-ride can be observed as a part of parking subsystem and as an adopted parking policy, with its basic role having been to provide a potential reaction to parking problems of city centres half a century ago.
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