Volume List  / Volume 8 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(4).07

8 / 4 / 481 - 493 Pages


Parambath Koyilerian Sreela - Government Engineering College, Calicut, Kerala, India -

MathaVenkitachala Lakshmi Ranga Anjaneyulu - National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, India -


This paper explores the factors influencing a worker’s decision to choose an activity pattern for commuting in a city in India. Activity and travel information collected by home interview survey formed the database for the study. Multinomial logit models were developed to understand the factors affecting the workers decision to choose an activity pattern for commute. Analysis of variance tests performed on different characteristics of the working people suggest the need for separate analysis and modelling of these categories of workers. Modelling results indicates that workers are more likely to adopt HWH pattern of work. Age, gender, presence of school students, household size, start time for work etc. were found to influence activity pattern generation of the working people. The elasticity measures were also determined to understand the influence of variables in a better way. It shows that the probability to participate in HWH activity pattern increases with unit increase in household size and school going students. The probability to participate in HWH+ increases with unit increase in employed couples in the household.

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We sincerely acknowledge the funding from the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India through the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Urban Transport, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras.


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