Volume List  / Volume 8 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(3).09

8 / 3 / 32-389 Pages


Milanko ÄŒabarkapa - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, Serbia -

Marjana Čubranić-Dobrodolac - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia -

Svetlana Čičević - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia -

Boris Antić - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia -


Findings from numerous studies pointed out the importance of studying certain forms of behavior and personality traits in order to understand propensity to commit unsafe maneuvers in traffic. The present study aims at evaluating the potential contribution of impulsiveness and aggressive driving in the prediction of traffic accidents, and at investigating relationship among them. Besides, the second main goal is to compare the levels of impulsiveness and aggressiveness among three considered groups: bus drivers, truck drivers and non-professional drivers. Participants were 305 drivers who completed the BIS-11 (Barrat Impulsiveness Scale) and ADBQ (Aggressive Driving Behavior Questionnaire). Research sample comprised of 202 professional drivers (bus drivers and truck drivers), and 103 non-professional drivers. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between impulsiveness correlates and correlates of aggressive driving behavior. Bus drivers and truck drivers showed higher levels of impulsiveness in comparison to non-professional drivers, while the highest level of aggression is recorded among non-professional drivers, followed by truck drivers and bus drivers. Finally, the results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that impulsiveness as a personality trait, as well as aggressive driving, are good predictors of traffic accidents.

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This research was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, project no. TR36022.


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