DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(2).06
8 / 2 / 213-227 Pages
Awkash Kumar - Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai- 400 076, India -
Due to increasing population and rising income level, most of the metropolitan cities in the world are facing problems of congestion and pollution. It is high time proper steps were taken to prevent the unbearable congestion and pollution that might occur in the near future. Before taking the mitigation measures, it is important to find out or estimate the level of congestion and pollution. Hence, the study has been conducted to assess the present and future pollution and congestion level for a highly congested Worli Road Network, Mumbai. Level of service analysis has been done for all the roads in the network to find out the congestion level. The impact of the traffic was quantified in terms of Volume/Capacity (V/C) ratio, for the coming 20 years in 10-year intervals. The years in which any road was reaching its theoretical capacity was also identified. USEPA AERMOD has been used with proper evaluation of the model results to model the concentration of air pollutants for present and future scenario. Through the predicted results of congestion and air pollution in future, some mitigation measures are suggested.
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peak time;
long term impact;
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