DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(2).02
8 / 2 / 166-176 Pages
Pritikana Das - Transportation Planning Division, CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi, India -
Simulation is useful to engineers when the model parameters will be calibrated and validated with the real system. Microscopic analysis is used in this study to get macroscopic output for developing pedestrian flow models. Pedestrian characteristics on sidewalk facility in India have been considered to observe performance of pedestrians in VISWALK. The calibration of the model parameters was carried out with the adjustment of model parameters such as Tau, lambda, social forces from other objects etc. Constructed model was validated locally and globally. In this study mean absolute error and root mean square error values were observed to measure accuracy of the model output for validation purpose. Real and simulated data were compared considering fundamental flow diagrams and flow parameters. Developed models and estimated values of flow parameters such as free flow speed and capacity were compared with the real data and estimated error was less than 10%. Scatters in the field data is more as comparing to simulated data in Indian context.
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The inputs received from MHRD fellowship at CTRANS, IIT Roorkee and the research project “Indo HCM WP-7†sponsored by CSIR-CRRI is thankfully acknowledged in the preparation of this paper.
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