Volume List  / Volume 7 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2017.7(4).08

7 / 4 / 498-515 Pages


Sanaz Motamedi - Department of Mechanical, Industrial and System Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 0288, USA -

Jyh-Hone Wang - Department of Mechanical, Industrial and System Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 0288, USA -


Driving is an essential activity in living a fulfilling lifestyle. Older adults, like the rest of the population, require a means of transportation to participate in important lifestyle choices; however, declines in their sensory, motor, perceptual, and cognitive abilities limit their driving capabilities. These limitations motivated this study to investigate older adult drivers’ driving challenges by conducting a questionnaire. The in-vehicle technologies which mitigate these challenges were identified. In this study, the acceptance of the identified technologies is explored by conducting a second questionnaire. A four dimensional model which included perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived safety, and perceived anxiety is considered in the second questionnaire. In total, 250 older adult drivers participated in these questionnaires. The responses obtained from both questionnaires identified potential challenges that they were facing and whether they intend to use the identified in-vehicle technologies. Having more information about the acceptance of these technologies can help engineers better understand the factors that make technologies useful to older adult drivers, and thus improve their driving safety.

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The authors would like to acknowledge The Rhode Island Department of Transportation and the University of Rhode Island Transportation Center for their support and guidance throughout this research project. Moreover, the authors wish to thank Professor Phillip Clark and Director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, who provided insight and expertise, and helped recruit subjects. The authors also want to to thank Ms. Meredith Westner's assistance and senior students Marianna Albanese, Chelsea Sabatino, Kyle Steinberg, Frederick Garrett Reis and Farede Pakdel for their help in conducting the surveys.


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