Volume List  / Volume 7 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2017.7(1).01

7 / 1 / 1 - 18 Pages


Septimio Andrés - AtoN Service, Port of Seville, Spain -

Francisco Piniella - Department of Maritime Studies, University of Cádiz, Spain -


The container has been a key driver of globalization. With the passage of time, this has led to build larger container ships. The principal issue is the adaptation carried out by main ports to become ports of call of these Ultra Large Container Vessel (ULCV). These modifications are irrelevant for seaports with enough depth, but much more complex for “inside seaports” due to the required approach channel update. Scarce ports that are receiving ULCV, most of which are seaports, are making a select “hub club”. This paper analyses how Aids to Navigation systems can help inside seaports to become port of call of ULCV, allowing them to maintain its competitiveness. For this purpose we will focus on the cases of ports of Hamburg and Antwerp, and we will also analyse if the general trend of ULCV dimensions were growing, would allow it to maintain its international maritime traffic role.

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