DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(4).04
6 / 4 / 406-415 Pages
Goran Bakalar - Bonum Mare Consulting LLC, 148 Young Ave, Cocoa Beach, 32931, FL, USA -
Transport of cargo and passengers has a negative influence on human and nature habitats. Pollution in air and water, with its negative impact on environment and quality of human life, was an objective in this research. Use of satellite communication technologies for sea pollution monitoring has been analyzed in this article. Satellite communication technology today, covers monitoring of oil pollutions. Technological limitations and improving potential of that kind of monitoring were listed and described. It has been researched possibility of use of monitoring potential of oil discharge monitor for monitoring of chemical pollutions from the ships. Certain cases from operational experience and registered accidents were explained in this paper. Possible reasons of the accidents were brought out after experience cases were analyzed. Chemical pollution cases were taken as good examples in this review, being compared against oil pollution cases. Minor oil pollutions in coastal area were drastically reduced since oil discharge monitor has been in use. That advantage in oil cases is being taken into consideration in this paper and another solution proposed. Proposed solution in this review is possibility of use of satellite positioning system combined with good software programs and emergency procedures already in use on the ships. In this solution satellite communication technologies would force up ship operators to work in accordance with the pollution prevention law. Automation would stop chemical pollution in coastal areas.
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liquid chemicals transportation;
coastal area contamination;
chemical pollution;
flow cytometer;
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