DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(3).02
6 / 3 / 253-264 Pages
Aouachria Zéroual - Laboratory of Applied Physics Energetic, University of Batna, Algeria -
Urbanization is one of the major events of the contemporary world view to grow with a faster pace. Today there are more than 3 billion urban dwellers and by 2030, it could be three quarters of the population, i.e. 80% of the world population will live in urban cities. The accelerated urbanization causes an increased need for transport. Although transport has produced beneficial effects for society, but its development also generates negative environmental impacts. Politics, "all to the car" caused problems such as disturbance due to noise. Our study of this phenomenon was based on measurements on site to try to map the noise dominates a study covering most of the urban area of the city of Batna.
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