DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(1).02
6 / 1 / 13-24 Pages
Surendra Kukadapwar - Department of Civil Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Nagpur, India -
This paper describes to develop a multi criteria decision based methodology to find optimal path in real urban road network. Over the year several studies were conducted but most of which rely on single variable like travel distance or travel time as cost function. In this study, seven different attributes influencing the traffic network i.e. distance, time, traffic volume, road width, no. of intersection, parking and encroachment on road are used to define cost function using multi criterion decision making approach. These variables are combined using a Multi-Dimensional Cost Model (MDCM) using the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). The models developed were implemented and closely evaluated in Nagpur city of India. Model is considered for determining optimal path between various Origins and Destinations in real urban traffic network. Composite weighted AHP scored were used to generate AHP decision surface. Finally, the best decision was proposed by generating the least cost path which is considered as optimal path. The resulting routes showed to be more accurate than those obtained utilizing one-dimensional cost functions and AHP is found to be effective tool to deal with optimal route selection problem.
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optimal path;
traffic congestion;
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