Volume List  / Volume 5 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(4).05

5 / 4 / 400-409 Pages


Nikola Krstanoski - University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia -


Planning of public transport network for good spatial coverage may lead to an operation of radial or diametrical public transport lines that branch at one or both ends of the line. This trunk with branches operation means that all vehicles on the line serve the main - trunk section, usually covering the central area of the city, and then split in two or more branches in the peripheral areas, in order to offer better spatial service. The scheduling of this type of operation is not an easy task since only certain patterns of headways and therefore passenger demands can be met, if efficient operation under the condition of uniform headways on all sections on the line is required. In this article the author analyzes the key variables that define the uniform headway operation and establishes their relationships, thus providing answer to the question what headway patterns are feasible and if they could be acceptable for real life operation.

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