Volume List  / Volume 5 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(3).07

5 / 3 / 294-308 Pages


Deda Đelović - Port of Bar, Montenegro -


The promotion of environmentally friendly modes of transport, in particular Short Sea Shipping, and their effective integration in multimodal transport chains and networks is one from the group of central objectives of the European Union’s transport policy. According to results of different relevant researches available to the author, to the group of problems which still hamper Short Sea Shipping development belongs lack of flexibility in ports. Port machinery flexibility, in general, is one of the factors with decisive influence on port flexibility. After some general considerations of the Short Sea Shipping concept, parameters which enable measuring Short Sea Shipping capability (potential) of a port, from the aspect of port machinery, are identified. Interdependences between port machinery flexibility and Short Sea Shipping capability (potential) of a port (using the Port of Bar as an object of analysis) are taken into detailed consideration in this paper, too. By the results of analyses presented in the paper is confirmed existence of correlation between the Short Sea Shipping capability (potential) of a port and port machinery flexibility: to a higher level of the Short Sea Shipping capability (potential) of a port corresponds a higher level of port machinery flexibility.

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