DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(1).08
5 / 1 / 64-73 Pages
Nenad Bjelić - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia -
Heterogeneous travelling repairmen problem with time windows (hetTRPTW) is customer oriented problem with large possibilities for practical applications in logistics area. Models and algorithms developed for solving one problem with a cumulative objective function may be, with a little effort, transformed for solving similar problem with a cumulative function. In that sense, aim of this paper is to present results obtained by implementing an algorithm developed for solving cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem in solving hetTRPTW.
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heterogeneous travelling repairmen problem with time windows;
two phase local search;
variable neighborhood descent;
This paper is partially supported by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Government of the Republic of Serbia trough the project TR36006 in the period 2011-2014.
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