DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(4).01
4 / 4 / 363-371 Pages
Elen Twrdy - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Portorož, Slovenia -
World trade has changed in the last decade such that container traffic flows are oriented towards more parts of the European continent. The European container port system is not a homogeneous set of ports; instead it consists of several big ports (e.g., Rotterdam, Hamburg, Algeciras...) and a large number of medium and small ports. Northern Adriatic (NA) ports, namely Rijeka, Koper, Trieste, Venice and Ravenna, are small ports. Each of these ports have different development plans but in varying degrees common hinterlands and costumers. As these ports are located very close one to another, they have to cooperate, but at same time they are competing for their market share. Based on the literature related to port competition and port selection we have analysed the throughput in NA ports for the last twenty four years, and in accordance with this, we have prepared a model for expected growth of container throughput in this region. The resulting model of port dynamics includes three characteristics of container throughput: relative growth, market share and container shift. Furthermore, to obtain some insight into cooperation/competition between the NA ports we have set up a simple dynamic model in which we selected ports’ market share fractions for each port as a dynamic variable.
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container throughput;
dynamic model;
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