DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(4).04
4 / 4 / 397-414 Pages
Nilanchal Patel - Department of Remote Sensing, Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand – 835215, India -
The present study was carried out to determine the effects of the heterogeneity in land use distribution pattern on the traffic congestion in rapidly urbanizing Ranchi city, capital of Jharkhand state, India. Traditionally, researchers have used the landscape metrics to determine the heterogeneity in the land use and land cover distribution pattern in both urban and non-urban areas. In the present study, we have introduced a new index: Heterogeneity Index to quantify the distribution pattern of the land use categories present along the various road segments whereas traffic congestion was determined through the Congestion Index Value. Based on the dominant land use categories existing in the study area, four heterogeneity indices were developed such as Residential Heterogeneity Index, Commercial Heterogeneity Index, Industrial Heterogeneity Index and Urban Services Heterogeneity Index, respectively. Finally, a Cumulative Heterogeneity Index was developed to determine the aggregate effect of the heterogeneity of the various land use categories present in the individual roads. Analytical Hierarchical Processing and knowledge-based weighting were used to rank the importance of different heterogeneity indices. The results of the investigation showed positive relationship between the degree of heterogeneity of the land use pattern and traffic congestion.
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Analytical Hierarchical Processing;
knowledge based weighting;
landscape metrics;
The authors express their sincere thanks to the Vice Chancellor of the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, and Ranchi, India for providing the necessary facilities to carry out the desired research in the Digital Image Processing and GIS laboratory of the Department of Remote Sensing, BIT Mesra. This research comprises a part of the PhD dissertation of Mr. Alok Bhushan Mukherjee under the supervision of Prof. Dr. A.P. Krishna and Prof. Dr. Nilanchal Patel.
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