DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(3).02
4 / 3 / 253-268 Pages
Matthias Klumpp - Institute for Logistics and Service Management, FOM University of Applied Sciences, Leimkugelstraße 6, 45141 Essen, Germany -
This research contribution aims at describing the crucial role of personnel qualification in logistics as well as in support staff for the use of electric vehicles. The question of “soft process and qualification facts†connected to the use of electric vehicles in the logistics field is explored. Therefore, in a gap analysis based on two empirical studies regarding a comprehensive business knowledge (“Berufswertigkeitâ€) qualification survey in logistics (2012, n = 1.068) as well as an AHP expert interview (2013, n = 40) specific qualification fields and possible hurdles for the use of electric vehicles in logistics are identified and discussed with the help of further expert survey inputs (2014, n = 181). Results show that support processes (recharging, maintenance) as well as planning and driving processes (range estimation and control, security issues) for commercial electric vehicles require more and different competences than traditional diesel-powered trucks; this poses a major strategic challenge for most transport and logistics companies. Further research lines have to identify specific areas of necessary qualification for electric vehicles in logistics as well as specific target groups (drivers, support staff, maintenance and administration). The operational use of electric vehicles in logistics will strongly depend on the answers to the qualification questions addressed in this paper as has been shown also for the basic cost/investment calculation for electric vehicles.
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The research results presented are connected to the research project “E-Routeâ€, supported by the state of North-Rhine Westphalia and the EU ERDF (“Ziel 2â€) and are also associated with the BMBF Cluster EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr (
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