Volume List  / Volume 4 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(2).03

4 / 2 / 161-170 Pages


Ivona Bajor - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Science, Vukelićeva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia -

Dario Babić - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Science, Vukelićeva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia -


Conducting scientific research regarding reverse logistics systems includes certain difficulties. Developed logistics systems are aimed at analysing reverse logistics issues and tend to continuously detect differences and oscillations in the flow of returned products and their characteristics. Developing logistics systems, as Croatian, find reverse logistics issues, regarding product returns, significantly complex and very often these issues are not observed as issues of priority. As distributive flow, reverse logistics systems fundaments should be also based on detailed analysis. Analysis in this flow presents amounts, reasons, process flows and quality of returned items. Because of complex product evaluation on individual level, reverse logistics procedures should be implemented as a methodology individually developed for every supply chain subject. This paper presents a research of retail level returns on the Croatian market, where the analysis implicated that the majority of products in return for this level is directed from final consumers and presents noncurrent inventories of distribution chain. The paper will present conducted research regarding characteristics of returns and routing these products from the retail level.

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