DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(1).07
4 / 1 / 90-102 Pages
Krešimir Osman - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia -
This paper presents the development of the MOTORI 2004 computing tool that calculates the distance, speed and acceleration of a car engine valve train’s oscillating mass m, which is reduced to the valve axis. Distance diagrams, speed and accelerations are provided in dependence on the camshaft twist angle at a constant rotational speed in several consecutive revolutions. The computing tool implements a mathematical description and numerical solution for the motion of mass m of a valve gear dynamic model. Valve lift h is given numerically using a series of equidistant points in the period of one camshaft revolution. The variabilities of camshaft rotation and spring thread vibration as a result of cam lift harmonic excitation. The computing solutions were tested at valve opening points and in imaginary extreme operating conditions (soft/hard spring, low/high damping, low/high rotational speed and increased clearance.
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