DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2013.3(3).04
3 / 3 / 269-278 Pages
Kunal Jain - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttrakhand, India - 247667 -
Pavements which are left to deteriorate without timely maintenance treatments are likely to require major rehabilitation and reconstruction much sooner than those which are properly maintained. In developing countries like India, where the traffic growth and axle loading is growing at logarithmic scale, deterioration of highways is very fast. This increased traffic demands for multilane highways with proper maintenance time to time. During the process of road network maintenance and rehabilitation, road authorities strive to select an optimum maintenance strategy from a number of alternatives. This selection may be obtained only through a realistic approach. An economically acceptable maintenance strategy may be selected among a number of maintenance alternatives. It can be done by calculating and comparing the various maintenance and rehabilitation M&R)alternatives with the help of Highway Development and Management tool (HDM-4). This available technology and tool that makes implementing an effective pavement rehabilitation program feasible, is globally accepted. This paper specifically addresses flexible pavement, including the multilane highways from northern region of India. Study involves the data collection and selecting the optimum M&R strategy by using programme analysis component of HDM-4 for selected road sections. It is expected that the information contained in this paper would be useful for developing optimum maintenance management strategy for multilane highways.
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maintenance and rehabilitation strategy;
Highway Development and Management tool (HDM-4);
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