DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2013.3(2).02
3 / 2 / 112-126 Pages
Manju V. Saraswathy - Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum, India -
The foremost step in estimation of OD matrix from link volume counts is the systematic selection of optimum links. This paper suggests a methodology to prioritise the links in a road network using information theory. Weights are assigned to the links based on its information content and the optimum links which satisfies the OD covering rule is selected by Binary Integer Programming (BIP). The selected links are prioritised based on the assigned weights. The methodology is applied on a hypothetical network. The procedure is validated by calculating the error of the OD matrix estimated with the traffic volumes on the selected links as input. It is observed that the OD matrix estimated with links selected by information theory based approach provided the least error. It was also found that the method of prioritisation discussed here is suitable when there are budgetary constraints for selection of input links.
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The authors express their sincere thanks to The Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) for funding this research.
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